Tuesday, December 2, 2008


It's always fascinated me how people are connected. If you look to the right, you'll find a pic of Eleanor Roosevelt doting over an infant. That infant is the older brother of one of my buds, Scott. I've seen it over the years on a bookcase at Scott's paarent's home. Strange that I should find this pic on the web, but there you are. So, through Scott, and his brother, and his parents, I'm connected to to Eleanor Rooselvelt, and by extension, to Franklin Delano Rooselvelt and Theodore Rooselvelt. I never really thought of it until just now.

But wait, there's more. Scott is a bike courier. He often works on Capitol Hill. Long before Barack Obama ran for president, Scott says he say him crossing the street as the freshman senator. According to Scott, Obama was fiddling with his Blackberry while crossing the street. Like most people in this town, when using a Blackberry or an iPod, they are really not paying attention to anything else. Scott saw the Senator, and more importantly, saw and oncomiing car, and shouted, "Hey, look out!" Obama looks up, sees the car, and backsteps onto the curb. He then turns, looks at Scott, smiles, waves, and shouts back, "Thanks!"

I don't doubt the story. Scott's got no reason to lie. Besides, I've grown up in DC. Depending on where you are, you're likely to see anybody. Personally, on the street, I've seen the Clintons, including Chelsea, Forrest Whittaker, John Malchovich, Larry Bird, Michael Jordon, Mike Wallace, Joe Liberman and his wife, Larry King, John King, Clint Eastwood, and others.

So, again, if you play the "Six Degrees of Separation Game," Theodore Roosevelt, or Booket T. Washington for that matter, are connected to Barack Obama.


1 comment:

Wonder Man said...

I'm 4 degree from Obama