Sunday, November 30, 2008

Larry the Cable Guy Comes to Town

When You Watch The "News," Ask WHY?

I seriously believe that many school systems have stopped teaching critical thinking. I worry that many institutions that hold themselves out as being "colleges" don't teach critical thinking. I'm sure that real colleges and universities do. But whether they do or not means nothing if people don't apply critical thinking.

I'm thinking about this as I watch the evening rerun of Meet the Press. Personally, I think this show has gone way done hill since Tim Russert died, but that's neither here nor there. Given all the events of this past week, i.e., President-elect Obama naming his economic team, the prospect Senator Hillary Clinton becoming the Secretary of State, indeed whether Hillary Clinton CAN legally be confirmed, oh yes, and of course the terrorist attack in India, Brokaw is interviewing Laura Bush about women's rights in Afghanistan and Ted Turner.

HUH? Why?

I don't believe in human led theocracies, so the way women, or men that matter, are treated by the Taliban matters to me. But Taliban treatment, or mistreatment people is nothing new. The Taliban has maintained the same modus operandi for way back when the Bush Family and their oil and gas compatriots were trying to do natural gas deals with them prior to 9/11. So why is Laura Bush all of a sudden concerned about the oppression of women in Afghanistan? I've never seen the Bush Administration, or the Republican Party as a whole champion the rights of women anywhere, especially over the last 8 years. The treatment of women in Dafur comes quickly to mind. Then there is the NBC piece of this. Neither NBC, nor it's parent company General Electric, has won any awards for their treatment of female employees. In fact, I have a buddy who's cousin, a former GE attorney, made out REALLY well in a sex/race discrimination case. I won't go into details but she doesn't have to practice law anymore. So why is Laura Bush on Meet the Press decrying Taliban persecution of women in the face of all the other immediately pressing news facing America? Ted Turner coming on Meet the Press for a full interview to pimp his new book makes sense. Turner has a healthy and profitable relationship with GE. It doesn't make good sense, in light of all the hot news this week. But when a news organization is owned by a major corporation, and is supposed to be a profit center, like any other GE subsidiaries, promoting the interests of one of your partner/investors, is easy to figure. But Laura Bush, after 8 years of nothing now pushing for women's rights in Afghanistan, of all places, is interesting to say the least.

Maybe after reading this, you may be curious, too. Here are a few links you may want to read. This, hopefully, will prime the pump for you to begin your own research as to why the Bush family, all of a sudden, cares about women's rights in Afghanistan.







Saturday, November 29, 2008

Obama Pic

A friend asked if I will add an Obama pic to my blog like all the other DC pics I have. Yes Of course I will, AFTER he is sworn in. Actually I hope I will get a pic of Obama and Michelle similar to that of Kennedy and Jackie off to the right.

By the way, I will continue to add DC pics from now as well as the past.

I Tell You, You've Got To Watch My Dog Every Second!

Pekoe's papers say he's pedigree, but I swear sometimes...

It was time for Pekoe the Dog to get his toes clipped last week. There was another owner and dog, a female white lab incidentally, directly in front of us as we were going into the vet's office. Pekoe was too busy sniffing up this chick, that he didn't get the tip of his tail out of the way of the door. The very tip of his tail was cut! Blood everywhere. They rushed him into dog surgery. Pain killers, antibiotics, stitches, bandages, a crazy, way out, plastic tail-tube, and $500 later, Pekoe is on his way home.

Days pass and he's healing up okay. Once and a while he gnaws at the tube, but everything okay. I take him back in Wednesday, the vet, some woman with hair for days, says he doing fine. If everything stays that way, she says, the bandages and stitches should come out sometime during the 1st and the 5th of December.

Thanksgiving, I noticed that Bullethead, one of the many names I call him, has cracked the plastic tube around his tail. No bleeding, no worries. Grab a roll of duct tape and fix the crack, leaving plenty of air for the tail to breathe and heal.

This afternoon I noticed that Pekoe has been gnawing at the duct tape. Again, I take note and got back to the computer. While I was eating lunch he was at my usual. I was not paying attention and didn't notice him slip away after I had finished eating. When I got up from the computer to look outside, I happened to look over at Pekoe's bed. I noticed some kind of trash at the foot of his bed. I walked over to see what the trash was and to pick it up. I was horrified to see that it was the remains of duct tape and the plastic tubing!

I plan to cover cursing on another blog post. As such I won't get into what I screamed and shouted. I immediately noticed that his bed was wet. I was scared that it was blood! On closer inspection, I saw it was just saliva. But where was all the bandaging? The dumb dog ate it of course. I immediately knew I'd be cleaning up a vomit and bandage at 4:00 am.

His vet was closed but a friend called the 24hour vet in Rockville. More on them too at another time. They said if the tail wasn't bleeding, I had two choices. First, I could gauze the tail up myself, or second, I could leave it alone. The antibiotics should protect against infection. The key is to keep Muttley from licking the wound. Easier said than done.

It's almost 5:00 pm. Time for me to feed him. I have a friend that's having a little get together this evening, so I guess won't be going. Damn shame too, because I bet their won't be jack on TV...

So why do I bother? Part of it is that I love the dog. The other part of it is that it's not like he can take care of a wound himself. Taking care of a wounded animal is just the right thing to do. Another thing is that I don't know if Pekoe is my best friend, considering all goodies of mine he's eaten and clothes of mine he's ruined, but he certainly is a good friend. Pekoe has been with me through thick and thin, and now that's he's in trouble, I won't leave him hanging.

Hmmmm....I wonder is this loyalty?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Stores Opening at 5:00 am!

I listened, compassionately, to a friend go off about the fact that she has no space in her 3 floor colonial for all her stuff. Dresses, blouses, suits, jewelry, cosmetics, lotions, soaps, books, magazines, and above all, her freaking SHOES! Racks and bins of clothes everywhere! Her basement looks like Filene's Basement in Boston! So what does she do on Black Friday? Go shopping!

No she wasn't one of the throngs that hit a mall at 5:00am. For her, 9:00am was more than adequate. But the question I ask, which drives her straight up a wall, is why are you buying all this?!?!?!?!? The larger question of course, is why do any of us buy the junk we buy?

I know people don't read newspapers anymore, but have they stopped watching TV news as well? We are now suffering the curse of living in a consumer society run amok. We buy things we want, not need. These things are not manufactured in our own country, which means we transfer our money to other countries, namely China, while robbing ourselves of savings. These countries take the money we send them and use our dollars to build their infrastructure, human capital, and in the case of China, their military. Think about that next time you go into an Old Navy or Wall-Mart.

The other piece of this is energy consumption. Retail stores use A LOT of power. Then there is the gas people use to get there and back. Don't forget the gas used to transport the stuff from the point of manufacture to the store. Last, think about the amount of petroleum used to create paints, dyes, plastics, and packaging.

Think about it, how much stuff can you use at one time? How many clothes or shoes can you wear at one time? Societal demand being what they are, you probably don't want to wear the same clothes everyday, even if you are in the military. We don't need all the crap we buy. Yes, I know, retail is a major sector of our economy. But if you think about it, it makes more sense to either save or invest the cash we don't spend on essentials like food and housing. Remember, if you keep up with current events, you know that we are going to have to develop new technologies. If Americans en masse save and invest their money, American banks and financial institutions can fund the development of these new technologies. This could all help to re-grow the American economy, and create new jobs in America, for Americans. In terms of the big picture, isn't this more important than a bath robe, a Hancock DVD, or a commemorative plate?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Martin Luther King Got it Right!

While sitting around watching the Cowboys/Seahawks game, a game I hope Dallas loses, we got to talking about potential plans for the Inauguration. Estimates call for about 4M people to attend. We all noted that the fact that the Martin Luther King, Jr Holiday, the day immediately before the Inauguration, will no doubt make it more convenient for people out of state to come. This will result in more people lining the parade route, which of course will make it more difficult for us to get a great view.

It's all about my friends and me...;))

However, the mention of MLK, Jr. made me think of how ironic it is that Barack Obama, an American of African decent, will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States, the very day after the commemoration of the martyred Civil Rights leader. This, in turn made me think about the core theme of what Martin Luther King, Jr. was all about: Equality. What Martin Luther King, Jr. said, essentially, was give African-Americans a chance. If given a chance at equal education and equal opportunity, black people could both attain much but also contribute to the United States in a measure equal to whites.

Fast forward 40 years.

Barack Obama must have been about 8 when King was assassinated. However one could argue that young Barack was an example of what King had argued. He had equal access to education and opportunity. Barack Obama also took full advantage of his education and made opportunities. In other words, both he and his wife Michelle, worked their asses off!

But Barack Obama is not unique. Oh, to be sure he is unique in that he is a human being, and as such he, like everyone, is a unique creation. But the work that MLK, Jr. and others accomplished through from the late 1950s throughout the 1960s, enabled African-Americans. Come to downtown Washington, DC any weekday morning. You'll find African-Americans excelling in whatever their chosen careers.

So what's they lesson here? Martin Luther King, Jr. got it right. Black people and other Americans of color can achieve and with drive, determination, vision, and smarts are contributing to when we need it most.